- +234 9135504493
- +234 9070021616
- office@tansimajorseminary.com
Academic Office
The Academic Office oversees the academic life of the Seminary.

Academic Office
The Academic Office oversees the academic life of the Seminary. The office prepares the Academic Year Book for each academic year.
It inspects the running of the classes, manages the academic staff, takes charge of issues related to examinations, and sees to the proper running of the overall intellectual aspect of the formation.
The task of the office is to build an environment that would advance an extremely rigorous but sound intellectual formation. The office organizes and supervises academic writings and research topics that cut across all the classes and seminarians. These writings are geared towards improving seminarians’ literary ability and aiding them to cultivate critical and reflective minds.
The office organizes conferences, seminars and symposia, and even arranges for field research and excursions, giving students opportunity to come face to face with difficulties met in the context of classroom discussions and individual study.
The Academic Office is headed by the Head of Department assisted by certain seminarians.

Where we come from. Our aspiration is couched in the motto, Homo Vivens Gloria Dei (Man Fully Alive Is the Glory of God).