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- +234 9070021616
- office@tansimajorseminary.com
”Formation in the sacred liturgy is especially urgent today. -Pope Benedict XVI

The Seminary’s deep emphasis on the liturgical formation of the seminarians arises from her dedication to the spiritual formation of the seminarians inasmuch as “liturgical and personal piety mutually support and complement each other” (Instruction on the Liturgical Formation in Seminaries, 10). This liturgical emphasis involves both doctrine and practice. Liturgy is taught as a main course in all the four classes. In addition, the Liturgy Unit of the Seminary conducts general liturgical formation forum wherein priests and seminarians gather together to discuss issues related to the liturgy.
Nor does this liturgical formation end with studies. On the contrary, the Seminary pays serious attention to the actual celebration of the liturgy. Care is specially taken to celebrate the liturgy with the dignity and decorum that it merits. The emphasis is on worthy celebration and active participation. A weekly roaster is published to make sure that each student participates actively in the liturgy each according to his office. The staff and students celebrate the liturgy together.

In addition to this common celebration in the Main Chapel wherein the entire family gathers as a community united in Christ, each hostel gathers together on certain days in their respective hostel chapel to celebrate the liturgy in their small groups. This exercise provides greater opportunity for increased participation of the seminarian-members of the hostel, and provides invaluable occasions for more closely-directed liturgical catechesis. Both in the Main Chapel and in the hostel chapels, students take active part in the preparation of the liturgy.

Where we come from. Our aspiration is couched in the motto, Homo Vivens Gloria Dei (Man Fully Alive Is the Glory of God).