“Living the Hope of the Resurrection: Reflections on the Mass of Holy Saturday at Blessed Iwene Tansi Major Seminary”

The liturgy of the Easter Vigil began with the blessing of the new fire and the lighting of the Paschal Candle, symbolizing the victory of light over darkness and the triumph of Christ over sin and death.

The liturgy continued with the singing of the Exultet, a hymn of praise and thanksgiving for the resurrection of Christ. The readings of the Easter Vigil, which tell the story of salvation history from the creation of the world to the resurrection of Christ, were read with great reverence and contemplation.

Fr. Patrick Paul Udoh’s homily was a profound reflection on the theology of resurrection. He spoke about the oppositions in the story of the resurrection, how the story is filled with surprises and contradictions. He emphasized that the salvific mystery began with creation and that the resurrection is the hope of Christianity.

Fr. Patrick Paul Udoh’s homily reminded us that the resurrection is not just a historical event but a living reality that we are called to participate in. He challenged the congregation to live a life of faith and to be witnesses to the resurrection in their daily lives. He urged them to share the good news of the resurrection with others and to live in hope, even in the midst of difficulties and challenges.

The Mass of Holy Saturday concluded with the joyous singing of the Gloria and the solemn recitation of the Creed. The congregation then renewed their baptismal vows, affirming their faith in the resurrection of Christ and their commitment to living a life of discipleship. The liturgy of the Eucharist followed.

As we celebrate the Easter season, let us remember the message of the resurrection: that Christ has triumphed over sin and death, and that we too can share in this victory. Let us be witnesses to the resurrection in our daily lives, living with hope, faith, and love. May this Easter season be a time of renewal and joy, as we celebrate the victory of Christ over sin and death.

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