Tansi Seminary Newly Ordained Deacons Celebrated their Epiphany. Date: Sunday, 14th January, 2024.

Tansi Seminary Newly Ordained Deacons Celebrated their Epiphany. Date: Sunday, 14th January, 2024.

In a spirit-filled celebration, the newly ordained deacons here in Tansi Major Seminary Onitsha marked the Thanksgiving Mass for their diaconate ordination with profound gratitude. The day commenced with a solemn Holy Mass.

During the Holy Mass, the newly ordained deacons showcased a deep sense of reverence and devotion, enriching the sacred atmosphere with their commitment to their newfound responsibilities.

The mass was adorned with solemn prayers, hymns, readings and reflection, highlighting the significance of their service.

Later in the evening, the ordained deacons gathered at the refectory alongside Father Formators and fellow Seminarians to joyously commemorate this significant milestone in their spiritual journey.

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